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This is a page to dedicate to all who I have learnt a lot from, whether it was through books, in person, or videos, I am grateful for all.

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Without a shadow of a doubt, my biggest inspiration has been from my mother, my father and my grandmother. The journeys they have been through has helped shaped who I am today.

Many more people has inspired me, and I am sure many more will in the future. Just to name a few are:

Jim Rohn

Tony Robbins

Earl Shoaff

Earl Nightingale

Napoleon Hill

Les Brown

Steve Harvey

Will Smith

Robert Kiyosaki

Steve Jobs

Matthew McConaughey

and many more…

Some books which have also inspired me are:

Robert Kiyosaki – Rich Dad Poor Dad

Napoleon Hill – Think And Grow Rich

Francine Jay – The Joy Of Less

David Schwartz – The Magic Of Thinking Big

Anthony Robbins – Unlimited Power

Darren Hardy – The Compound Effect

I hope you can also make time to listen to these people and listen to them over and over again, as I have found that when you revisit the same material at a different stage in your life, you will be enlightened by new thoughts and ideas to help you move forward.

Have fun!

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