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Dealing With Emotions

Our body and our mind is wired and constantly reacting to changes around us and within us.

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As Viktor Frankl put it beautifully is that the one power you always have is to control how you feel under any circumstance.

Happiness is usually sought externally, many people fall into this rabbit hole of buying materials, acquiring things, chasing trends and expecting others to fulfil their happiness.

However, true happiness is from within first.

One must learn to deal with a whole host of emotions, understand themselves more in order to create more joy, love and peace from within so that they can share it with others.

The skill or trick is to actually recognise it first, have a set of solutions to deal with them, then push yourself through it. The part of the brain that can help you with this is like a muscle, and with muscles it takes time to train in a consistent manner in order to form a new habit so you can deal with emotions as and when they arrive more naturally.

Happiness is a state of mind, it is a lifestyle choice, it is not without frustration, fear, stress and sorrow. Money, jobs, cars and houses will not bring happiness either unless you feel content and at peace within your own heart and mind.

People also tend to hold onto the past, and constantly revisit it, however you cannot drive your life forwards by constantly looking into the rear view mirror. You need to look forward.

The beauty of all of this is that everything you need is already within yourself and you already have all the tools to control and improve your mental health.

Being vulnerable is actually ok, suppressing your emotions and not allowing your body to feel it can actually cause self harm. Allow your body to feel the emotion then let the energy pass so you can move on. A lot of the time, people usually hurt themselves in the head by having thoughts that never happen. By recognising that this is happening and creating a new way of thinking will help fix this emotion that is happening. If you keep thinking about worry and fear then your mind will just create more of it and your body will feel it even more.

To fix this, take action.

To feel good and to stimulate dopamine, listen to upbeat music, break down tasks to small bite sized chunks then tick them off and remember to allow your body to rest with sleep. To stimulate serotonin which improves your sleep and can lead to reduced anxiety, go for a brisk walk in the sunshine and practice meditation and breathing exercises. To reduce stress and increase pleasure, stimulate the endorphins by doing exercise, watch a good comedy and eat chocolate. To feel connected, stimulate the oxytocin by giving someone a hug, hold hands, cook for someone or pet a cat or dog. Balance is key in order to regulate your hormone levels.

The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude – stay positive.

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